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Coordinates available for 155 records of Viperidae

Retrieved 624 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Viperidae Bothrops atrox NRM 18281KVA-SPARM UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Lachesis atrox NRM 18301KVA-DALMAN UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 1951KVA-DALMAN UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Bitis arietans NRM 17491KVA-SPARM UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Porthidium nasutum NRM 18541KVA-UNKNOWN UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Crotalus terrificus NRM 18751LIN UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Crotalus horridus NRM 19151SORBON-1821 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Crotalus horridus NRM 19161GAUTIER-1831 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Bothrops jararaca NRM 32871ORQ-SYDAMERIKA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 50141BLACKEBERG-1995 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Crotalus NRM 516411CUSTOMS-96-SKA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Crotalus NRM 51732CUSTOMS-96-SKA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Crotalus NRM 51751CUSTOMS-96-SKA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 53391NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 54401BLACKEBERG-1995 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Cerastes cerastes NRM 55041MOBERG-1952-SAH UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Cerastes vipera NRM 55052MOBERG-1952-SA? UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera russelli NRM 58691KVA-HJORT UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Lachesis muta NRM 58811ORQ-? UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 59951KVA-LIN UNKNOWN COUNTRY SYNTYPEImage
Viperidae Crotalus NRM 60731RASMUS UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 60911KVA-DALMAN UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera chersea NRM 60921KVA-DALMAN UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 60931KVA-DALMAN UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 60942KVA-QUENSEL UNKNOWN COUNTRY

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