Result of collection database search
9 December 2024
Sorry, no georeferenced records were found!!
Olsson, Ragnar
Retrieved 16 records in database
Family | Species | Cat No | N | Field No | Country | Type Status | Object Image | Habitat Image |
Agamidae | Agama pallida | NRM 39108 | 1 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Agamidae | Agama stellio brachydactyla | NRM 39106 | 1 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Colubridae | Coluber diadema | NRM 39109 | 1 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Colubridae | Eirenis coronella | NRM 39121 | 1 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Colubridae | Natrix tesselata | NRM 39116 | 2 | ROL-TELAVIV-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Lacertidae | Acanthodactylus boskianus asper | NRM 39120 | 1 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Lacertidae | Acanthodactylus pardalis | NRM 39107 | 4 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Lacertidae | Acanthodactylus scutellatus | NRM 39114 | 1 | ROL-TELAVIV-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Lacertidae | Eremias gutellata | NRM 39110 | 4 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Lacertidae | Ophisops elegans | NRM 39119 | 1 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Scincidae | Chalcides ocellatus | NRM 39105 | 1 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Scincidae | Chalcides ocellatus | NRM 39113 | 1 | ROL-TELAVIV-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Scincidae | Chalcides sepsoides | NRM 39111 | 2 | ROL-NEGEVIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Scincidae | Mabuya vittata | NRM 39115 | 1 | ROL-TELAVIV-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Typhlopidae | Typhlops vermicularis | NRM 39118 | 1 | ROL-SAARIII-59 | ISRAEL | |||
Viperidae | Vipera palaestina | NRM 39112 | 1 | ROL-TELAVIV-59 | ISRAEL |
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