Result of collection database search
9 December 2024
Sorry, no georeferenced records were found!!
Laman, KE
Retrieved 13 records in database
Family | Species | Cat No | N | Field No | Country | Type Status | Object Image | Habitat Image |
Crocodylidae | Osteolaemus tetraspis | NRM 5154 | 1 | LAM-19-KONGO | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Elapidae | Dendroaspis jamesoni | NRM 2778 | 1 | LAM-1919-MUK | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Elapidae | Dendroaspis jamesoni | NRM 8851 | 1 | LAM-1919-MUK | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Elapidae | Naja melanoleuca | NRM 5569 | 1 | LAM-19-KONGO | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Gerrhosauridae | Gerrhosaurus nigrolineatus | NRM 2903 | 1 | LAM-1910-MUKIMB | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Hemisotidae | Hemisus sudanense | NRM 1491 | 1 | LAM-1910-MUKIMB | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Hyperoliidae | Hyperolius sp. | NRM 457 | 2 | LAM-1899JUL10 | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Scincidae | Feylinia currori | NRM 3805 | 1 | LAM-1919-MUK | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Typhlopidae | Rhinotyphlops crossii | NRM 1924 | 1 | LAM-99-MUKIMBUN | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Varanidae | Varanus niloticus | NRM 5742 | 1 | LAM-1919-MUK | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Varanidae | Varanus niloticus | NRM 5749 | 1 | LAM-19-KONGO | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Viperidae | Bitis gabonica | NRM 2281 | 1 | LAM-10-MUKIMBUN | CONGO KINSHASA | |||
Viperidae | Bitis gabonica | NRM 2769 | 1 | LAM-1919-MUK | CONGO KINSHASA |
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