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Herpetology Database

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2 December 2024

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Gelin, P

Retrieved 27 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Agamidae Agama stellio NRM 71711GELIN-2012B
Agamidae Pogona vitticeps NRM 71721GELIN-2012B
Agamidae Pogona vitticeps NRM 400281GELIN-2005 N/A
Boidae Eunectes murinus NRM 400301GELIN-2005 N/A
Boidae Python molurus NRM 67381GELIN-2010 N/A
Boidae Python molurus NRM 68611GELIN-2012
Chelydridae Chelydra serpentina NRM 60031GELIN-2006 N/A
Colubridae Pantherophis guttatus NRM 67391GELIN-2010 N/A
Colubridae Pantherophis obsoletus NRM 67371GELIN-2010 N/A
Colubridae Pituophis melanoleucus NRM 400241GELIN-2005 N/A
Corytophanidae Basiliscus NRM 400271GELIN-2005 N/A
Crocodylidae Crocodylus niloticus NRM 68621GELIN-2012
Crocodylidae Osteolaemus tetraspis NRM 400291GELIN-2005 N/A
Emydidae Pseudemys scripta scripta NRM 71731GELIN-2012B
Emydidae Pseudemys scripta scripta NRM 71771GELIN-2012B
Gekkonidae Gekko gecko NRM 67401GELIN-2010 N/A
Iguanidae Iguana iguana NRM 62271GELIN-2008 N/A
Iguanidae Iguana iguana NRM 71761GELIN-2012B
Iguanidae Iguana iguana rhinolopha NRM 71741GELIN-2012B
Scincidae Tiliqua NRM 400251GELIN-2005 N/A
Scincidae Tiliqua NRM 400261GELIN-2005 N/A
Testudinidae Testudo horsfieldi NRM 71751GELIN-2012B
Testudinidae Testudo NRM 60041GELIN-2006 N/A
Varanidae Varanus exanthematicus NRM 67421GELIN-2010 N/A
Viperidae Agkistrodon contortrix NRM 62281GELIN-2008 N/A

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