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12 December 2024

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Clawson, ME

Coordinates available for 1 records of Clawson, ME

Retrieved 43 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Ambystomatidae Ambystoma maculatum NRM 390521MEC-780408-10 USA
Ambystomatidae Ambystoma maculatum NRM 390741MEC-781012-10 USA
Bufonidae Bufo americanus NRM 390601MEC-780623-06 USA
Bufonidae Bufo americanus NRM 390711MEC-781012-09 USA
Bufonidae Bufo americanus NRM 390871MEC-780525-08 USA
Colubridae Carphophis amoenus NRM 390691MEC-780831-09 USA
Colubridae Carphophis amoenus NRM 390701MEC-780525-09 USA
Colubridae Coluber constrictor NRM 390751MEC-780817-04 USA
Colubridae Coluber constrictor NRM 390761MEC-780602-05 USA
Colubridae Coluber constrictor NRM 390801MEC-781012-01-A USA
Colubridae Coluber constrictor NRM 390811MEC-780817-03 USA
Colubridae Diadophis punctatus NRM 390851MEC-780921-01-B USA
Colubridae Diadophis punctatus NRM 390861MEC-780921-01-B USA
Colubridae Elaphe obsoleta NRM 390921MEC-780602-02 USA
Colubridae Lampropeltis calligaster NRM 390881MEC-780525-03 USA
Colubridae Lampropeltis getulus NRM 390681MEC-780728-01-B USA
Colubridae Lampropeltis getulus NRM 390901MEC-780721-06 USA
Colubridae Storeria occipitomaculata NRM 390831MEC-780616-09 USA
Colubridae Storeria occipitomaculata NRM 390841MEC-780810-11 USA
Colubridae Thamnophis proximus NRM 390771MEC-780616-03 USA
Colubridae Thamnophis proximus NRM 390781MEC-780623-02 USA
Colubridae Virginia valariae NRM 390611MEC-781005-02 USA
Colubridae Virginia valariae NRM 390671MEC-780914-08 USA
Hylidae Hyla crucifer NRM 390571MEC-781012-09 USA
Hylidae Hyla crucifer NRM 390641MEC-781012-10 USA

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