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Rana temporaria

Coordinates available for 69 records of Rana temporaria

Retrieved 159 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96571UBM-1944JUL14 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96583UBM-1960JUL18 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96592LLL-1943JUL SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96607NYGREN-LINA SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96611SÖDERL-1866 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96621CSUND-1850SEP SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96632PETTERS-1840 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96642OLSSON-1876 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 96681MEV-1857MAY SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 97301CYR-1908SEP POLAND
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 97311NYBELIN-1927JUN SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 97328SIBERIA-1876 RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 100491NFG-91-013B SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 100602WAL-1834APR SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 180061GUR-1963JUN06 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 101553UBM-1960JUL18 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 170635GTI-94-051 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 178141BOF-1975AUG29 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 200912NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 250153UBM-1960JUL18 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 286111WIKNER-95OCT19 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 302963EIÅ-84-05 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 302991NFG-84-05 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 307841CYR-1932JUN24 BULGARIA
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 308292CYR-1943AUG SWEDEN

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