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Coordinates available for 160 records of Rana

Retrieved 429 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Ranidae Rana arvalis NRM 400421KGB-58-001 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana NRM 54122KEN-97-NODATA KENYA
Ranidae Rana NRM 388662KARLBECK-192007 CHINA
Ranidae Rana NRM 388671KARLBECK-192007 CHINA
Ranidae Rana NRM 388421KARLBECK-1920 CHINA
Ranidae Rana NRM 388432KARLBECK-1920 CHINA
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 58541JOHNELS-1961AUG SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana NRM 3883824JGA-20/21MIX CHINA
Ranidae Rana NRM 3883515JGA-19220218 CHINA
Ranidae Rana NRM 3885030JGA-19200813 MONGOLIA
Ranidae Rana chensinensis NRM 17444JGA-1919JUN18 CHINA
Ranidae Rana NRM 3883914JGA-19190622 CHINA
Ranidae Rana arvalis NRM 61861HUDD-08-02 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana arvalis NRM 61871HUDD-08-02 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 61841HUDD-08-01 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 61851HUDD-08-01 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana NRM 51905HSG-341115 SRI LANKA
Ranidae Rana arvalis NRM 101341HOLM-1939-VALLE SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana NRM 388453HIN-LANS? CHINA
Ranidae Rana chensinensis NRM 18226HIN-JAITZE CHINA
Ranidae Rana NRM 388474HIN-1930MAY08 CHINA
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 18218HIN-1927AUG8 MONGOLIA
Ranidae Rana NRM 20037HIN-1927AUG01 CHINA
Ranidae Rana chensinensis NRM 388721HIN-#46 CHINA

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