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Coordinates available for 160 records of Rana

Retrieved 429 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 67092GFK-2010 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana bedriagae NRM 67291PETERSON-86MAR18 EGYPT
Ranidae Rana arvalis NRM 67451HÄGER-2009SEP30 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana sp. NRM 67461HÄGER-2009JUL14 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 69083KRONE-04-06 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana arvalis NRM 71211NORLID-D SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana nutti NRM 72693GRA-1920MAY25 KENYA
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 72761CEDERBERG-2016 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana sp. NRM 73311SKARKLITT-2008 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana dalmatina NRM 73411HÄGER-2016AUG18 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana dalmatina NRM 73691CE-1954JUL01 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 74131MARKLIN-TRO NORWAY
Ranidae Rana mascariensis NRM 74141RÜPPELL-1848ABY ETHIOPIA
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 74151FINMARKIA
Ranidae Rana iberica NRM 75981CYR-1928JUN12 SPAIN
Ranidae Rana macrocnemis NRM 76241PGB-1982AUG29 GEORGIA
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 76531ALDORJ-1908MAY SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 76548OLSON-1947MAY7 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 765513KLI-1908 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 76563UBM-1960JUL18 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 76571OLSON-1946JUN25 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 76581SUNDBY-1887 SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 76591LÖN-1921AUG SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 76601SÖD-1907JUN10D SWEDEN
Ranidae Rana temporaria NRM 76612SÖD-1907JUN10C SWEDEN

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