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Coordinates available for 155 records of Viperidae

Retrieved 624 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Viperidae Bitis arietans NRM 388051JOHNSSON-670531 TANZANIA
Viperidae Crotalus durissus NRM 388801HÖGBERG-ARGENTI ARGENTINA Image
Viperidae Vipera palestinae NRM 388871ADAM-85-4 ISRAEL
Viperidae Lachesis muta NRM 389001ORQ-1984 N/A
Viperidae Crotalus durissus NRM 389831ZI-BLEEKER UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Bothrops atrox NRM 389873RBB-MARAS UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Trimeresurus NRM 389921ORQ-1971? N/A
Viperidae Trimeresurus NRM 389941ORQ-1971? N/A
Viperidae Trimeresurus NRM 390031ZI-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Bothrops asper NRM 390061DAHL-1939JUN COLOMBIA
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 390151CE-1992APR26 SWEDEN
Viperidae Bothrops microphthalmus microphtha NRM 390381MEL-1925AUG PERU
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 390502JE-1992JUN26 SWEDEN
Viperidae Agkistrodon contortrix NRM 390911MEC-780804-05 USA
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 390931CE-1992JUN20 SWEDEN
Viperidae Vipera palaestina NRM 391121ROL-TELAVIV-59 ISRAEL
Viperidae Bitis arietans NRM 391841GAM-1950/P GAMBIA
Viperidae Bothrops atrox NRM 391971RBB-1949MAY ECUADOR
Viperidae Bothrops NRM 391981RBB-1949MAY ECUADOR
Viperidae Bothrops atrox NRM 391991RBB-1949MAY ECUADOR
Viperidae Bothrops atrox NRM 392001RBB-1949MAY ECUADOR
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 392018ZI-1957AUG29 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 400371SOK-2010-H001 SWEDEN
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 5302051TILLSTRÖM-1941 SWEDEN
Viperidae Vipera berus NRM 5500207NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY

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