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Coordinates available for 78 records of Agamidae

Retrieved 220 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Agamidae Moloch horridus NRM 72711meyer-australia AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Bronchocela jubata NRM 72721RÜPPELL-1848JAV INDONESIA
Agamidae Uromastyx sp. NRM 72941MYRORNA-2016
Agamidae Uromastix acanthinurus NRM 73001HED-SYRKUT SUDAN
Agamidae Uromastyx sp. NRM 73151KARPE-LIZARD TUNISIA
Agamidae Agama stellio NRM 73331ZI-SCHAUFUSS-SA LEBANON
Agamidae Chlamydosaurus kingii NRM 73341FRISTEDT-89OCT AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Chlamydosaurus kingii NRM 73351MJÖ-QUEEN AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Uromastyx sp. NRM 73391MYRORNA-2016
Agamidae Draco sp. NRM 73441KVA-DEGEER12
Agamidae Calotes versicolor NRM 73471KVA-SPARM UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Agamidae Trapelus flavimaculatus NRM 73881SAUDI-1982-D SAUDI ARABIA
Agamidae Moloch horridus NRM 74181EUG-AUSTRALIEN AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Pseudotrapelus sinaitus NRM 74291PZ-HUJ ISRAEL
Agamidae Uromastyx aegyptia NRM 74351PZ-HUJ ISRAEL
Agamidae Draco reticulatus NRM 74901KOMODO INDONESIA
Agamidae Phrynocephalus sp. NRM 75261saudi-1982-B SAUDI ARABIA
Agamidae Agama sp. NRM 75401RASMUS-85-MO MOZAMBIQUE
Agamidae Pogona mitchelli NRM 75652MJÖ-1910SEP AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Pogona mitchelli NRM 75666MJÖ-1910/11DERBY AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Pogona mitchelli NRM 75673MJÖ-1910/11 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Calotes sp. NRM 76051JUNGSTEDT-1929 INDONESIA
Agamidae Physignathus lesueuri NRM 76121ZI-1933-ST_AKV
Agamidae Diporiphora australis NRM 76171MJÖ-1910NOV-LEV AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Diporiphora magna NRM 76181MJÖ-1910DEC16 AUSTRALIA

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