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Coordinates available for 155 records of Viperidae

Retrieved 624 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69041SBM-1935MAY28 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69312SBM-SEOUL KOREA, SOUTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69327SBM-360603 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69391SBM-360603 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69471SBM-350612 KOREA
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69601SBM-350516 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 70081SBM-350528 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 70131SBM-350820 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 70182SBM-360602 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius brevicaudus NRM 25918JGA-1920APR06-8 CHINA
Viperidae Gloydius halys NRM 25961JGA-1920AUG13 PARATYPE
Viperidae Gloydius halys NRM 70781SÖL-KINA CHINA PARATYPE
Viperidae Gloydius halys brevicaudus NRM 25926JGA-1920APR2430 CHINA
Viperidae Gloydius halys brevicaudus NRM 25932JGA-1920OCT15 CHINA
Viperidae Gloydius halys brevicaudus NRM 25941KARLBECK-20AUG CHINA
Viperidae Gloydius halys brevicaudus NRM 313732NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Viperidae Gloydius halys intermedius NRM 29551HIN-1927JUL21 CHINA
Viperidae Gloydius halys intermedius NRM 29572HIN-1927AUG21 CHINA
Viperidae Gloydius halys intermedius NRM 29582HIN-1927AUG30 CHINA
Viperidae Gloydius halys intermedius NRM 129551HIN-#13 CHINA
Viperidae Gloydius halys stejnegeri NRM 25971JGA-1919SEP CHINA PARATYPE
Viperidae Gloydius halys stejnegeri NRM 27801SÖL-KINA CHINA HOLOTYPE
Viperidae Gloydius halys stejnegeri NRM 27981JGA-1920APR15 CHINA PARATYPE
Viperidae Gloydius halys stejnegeri NRM 60024JGA-ERIKSSON MONGOLIA
Viperidae Gloydius halys stejnegeri NRM 70771SÖL-KINA CHINA PARATYPE

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