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Coordinates available for 83 records of Elapidae

Retrieved 269 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Elapidae Pseudechis porphyriacus NRM 88521MÖRNER-1908 AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Naja atra NRM 73371MYRORNA-2016
Elapidae Micrurus decoratus NRM 16492NÄGELI BRAZIL
Elapidae Hydrophis platurus NRM 390111NFG-92-002 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
Elapidae Micrurus spixii NRM 20852NH-1904-MOJOS BOLIVIA
Elapidae Micrurus spixii NRM 20871NH-1904-MOJOS BOLIVIA
Elapidae Micrurus sp. NRM 20781NH-1904-SAN FER BOLIVIA
Elapidae Micrurus fulvius NRM 16701NISSER COLOMBIA
Elapidae Micrurus sp. NRM 63461NISSER-REME COLOMBIA
Elapidae Micrurus corallinus NRM 16681NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Micrurus fulvius NRM 16773NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Micrurus sp. NRM 16862NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Dendroaspis polylepis NRM 57781NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Hoplocephalus bitorquatus NRM 90161NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Micrurus corallinus NRM 216671NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Ophiophagus NRM 389041NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Naja naja oxiana NRM 391231NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Micrurus tricolor NRM 63431NOR-1902-TATARE BOLIVIA
Elapidae Calliophis intestinalis NRM 67671NORRAREAL INDONESIA
Elapidae Micrurus corallinus NRM 20771NYBERG-1901 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Elapidae Ophiophagus hannah NRM 57931ORQ-1971JAN22-K MALAYSIA
Elapidae Dendroaspis jamesoni NRM 390441ORQ-NODATA N/A
Elapidae Naja haje NRM 391241PAULSSON-550428 SOUTH AFRICA
Elapidae Hydrophis nigrecinqta NRM 60061PERBRAHE UNKNOWN COUNTRY

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