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Coordinates available for 83 records of Elapidae

Retrieved 269 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Elapidae Pseudonaja modesta NRM 24041MJÖ-1911JAN14 AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Hydrophis kingii NRM 23481MJÖ-1911JUL-BRO AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Hydrophis kingii NRM 23491MJÖ-1911JUL-JAU AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Demansia psammophis NRM 23591MJÖ-1911JUN09 AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Vermicella annulata NRM 23701MJÖ-1911OCT05 AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Demansia psammophis NRM 23601MJÖ-1911SEP15 AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Cacophis squamulosus NRM 23681MJÖ-1911SEP20 AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Vermicella annulata NRM 75781MJÖ-1913-CAIRNS AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Rhynchelaps fuscicollis NRM 124541MJÖ-1913-CAIRNS AUSTRALIA HOLOTYPE
Elapidae Naja kaouthia NRM 26363MJÖ-1919-GREAHAN INDONESIA
Elapidae Calliophis bivirgatus NRM 26441MJÖ-1919-SIBOLA INDONESIA
Elapidae Furina diadema NRM 69681MJÖ-BRISBANE AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Calliophis bivirgatus NRM 26433MJÖ-GREAHAN INDONESIA
Elapidae Cacophis churchilli NRM 69691MJÖ-MALANDA AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Calliophis intestinalis NRM 86321MJÖ-MEDAN INDONESIA
Elapidae Antaioserpens albiceps NRM 4151MJÖ-N.QUEEN AUSTRALIA
Elapidae Calliophis bivirgatus NRM 26451MJÖ-SUMATRA INDONESIA
Elapidae Calliophis intestinalis NRM 26483MJÖ-SUMATRA INDONESIA
Elapidae Calliophis intestinalis NRM 26471MJÖ-TANDJONG INDONESIA
Elapidae Ophiophagus hannah NRM 76151MM-KAU-CELEB INDONESIA
Elapidae Bungarus candidus NRM 310781MM-MÖLLER-1897 INDONESIA
Elapidae Micrurus sp NRM 310931MM-N.BRAZIL BRAZIL
Elapidae Hydrophis gracilis NRM 311531MM-NODATA N/A
Elapidae Dendroaspis spp. NRM 55082MOBERG-1952-BRA CONGO BRAZZAVILLE
Elapidae Notechis scutatus NRM 22551MÖRNER-1908 AUSTRALIA

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