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Coordinates available for 78 records of Agamidae

Retrieved 220 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Agamidae Acanthosaurus horrescens NRM 32441GYL-1914SEP08 THAILAND SYNTYPE
Agamidae Acanthosaurus horrescens NRM 32451GYL-1914MAY07 THAILAND SYNTYPE
Agamidae Draco volans NRM 33211MJÖ-1920SEP INDONESIA
Agamidae Aphaniotis acutirustris NRM 33251MJÖ-1920SEP INDONESIA
Agamidae Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus NRM 33261MJÖ-MEDAN INDONESIA
Agamidae Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus NRM 33271MJÖ-GREAHAN INDONESIA
Agamidae Hydrosaurus amboinensis NRM 38091SÖL-1923-CEBU PHILIPPINES
Agamidae Agama atra NRM 38381KAU-1911SEP08 SOUTH AFRICA
Agamidae Diploderma yunnanense NRM 39561MAL-BIRMA MYANMAR
Agamidae Acanthosaura armatus NRM 39571MAL-341104/09 MYANMAR
Agamidae Salea brachydactyla NRM 39581MAL-3405KAMBAIT MYANMAR HOLOTYPE
Agamidae Pseudotrapelus sp. NRM 41651EIÅ-88-CAPT-B N/A
Agamidae Paralaudakia caucasia NRM 49531EIÅ-87-GEORGIA GEORGIA
Agamidae Physignathus NRM 53171CUSTOMS-96-SKA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Agamidae Physignathus NRM 53191CUSTOMS-96-SKA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Agamidae Calotes calotes NRM 51881EIÅ-81MAR28 SRI LANKA
Agamidae Acanthosaura sp. NRM 53201CUSTOMS-96-SKA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Agamidae Uromastix ocellata NRM 57851CUS-3200-918-99 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Agamidae Physignathus cocincinus NRM 58391BJÖ-1939FEB04-6 VIET NAM
Agamidae Leiolepis sp. NRM 61511EUG? UNDETERMINED COUNTRY
Agamidae Draco sp. NRM 61521KVA-DEGEER-SCH
Agamidae Trapelus pallidus NRM 67751SANDAHL-1858-CAI EGYPT
Agamidae Ctenophorus reticulatus NRM 67791MJÖ-1911 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Ctenophorus reticulatus NRM 67801MJÖ-1911 AUSTRALIA

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