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Coordinates available for 78 records of Agamidae

Retrieved 220 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Agamidae Agama sp. NRM 79531LUNDBERGH74JUL GAMBIA
Agamidae Sitana spinaecephalus NRM 89511MAHAL-1953FEB INDIA
Agamidae Salea brachydactyla NRM 39581MAL-3405KAMBAIT MYANMAR HOLOTYPE
Agamidae Acanthosaura armata NRM 88611MAL-341027/04 MYANMAR
Agamidae Acanthosaura armatus NRM 39571MAL-341104/09 MYANMAR
Agamidae Diploderma yunnanense NRM 39561MAL-BIRMA MYANMAR
Agamidae Moloch horridus NRM 72711meyer-australia AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Lophognathus sp. NRM 130481MJÖ-101210 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Ctenophorus maculatus NRM 30231MJÖ-1910/11 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Pogona mitchelli NRM 75673MJÖ-1910/11 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Diporiphora bilineata NRM 76221MJÖ-1910/11 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Pogona mitchelli NRM 75666MJÖ-1910/11DERBY AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Tympanocryptis lineata macra NRM 30554MJÖ-1910/11NOON AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Lophognathus sp. NRM 30481MJÖ-1910DEC03 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Diporiphora magna NRM 76181MJÖ-1910DEC16 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Chlamydosaurus kingii NRM 72533MJÖ-1910NOV-LEV AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Diporiphora australis NRM 76171MJÖ-1910NOV-LEV AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Chlamydosaurus kingii NRM 230511MJÖ-1910NOV-LEV AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Diporiphora bilineata NRM 30391MJÖ-1910NOV-LEVB AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Ctenophorus reticulatus NRM 30301MJÖ-1910NOV07 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Diporiphora pindan NRM 30462MJÖ-1910OCT-DE AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Ctenophorus reticulatus NRM 30271MJÖ-1910OCT26 AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Amphibolurus ornatus NRM 30251MJÖ-1910SEP AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Pogona mitchelli NRM 75652MJÖ-1910SEP AUSTRALIA
Agamidae Ctenophorus butlerorum NRM 89831MJÖ-1910SEP-WA AUSTRALIA

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