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Coordinates available for 49 records of BRAZIL

Retrieved 221 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Kinosternidae Kinosternon NRM 90431SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Kinosternidae Kinosternon NRM 90441SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Viperidae Lachesis atrox NRM 18365TOUZET-1862 BRAZIL
Viperidae Lachesis atrox NRM 118361TOUZET-1862 BRAZIL
Viperidae Lachesis muta NRM 89051CASTRO-1868 BRAZIL
Colubridae Leimadophis NRM 391311MEL-1924APR08 BRAZIL
Amphisbaenidae Leposternon scutigerum NRM 86221FORSELL-1847 BRAZIL
Leptodactylidae Leptodactylus NRM 59191EKEMAR-2003 BRAZIL
Leptodactylidae Leptodactylus furnarius NRM 15411DUS-1910AUG BRAZIL
Leptodactylidae Leptodactylus labyrinthicus NRM 14951DUS-1910JUN BRAZIL HOLOTYPE
Leptodactylidae Leptodactylus pentadactylus NRM 71322SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Colubridae Leptodeira annulata NRM 312501LÜBECK-ANGUSTUR BRAZIL
Colubridae Leptophis ahaetulla NRM 6264SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Colubridae Leptophis ahaetulla NRM 19811TOUZET-1862 BRAZIL HOLOTYPE
Colubridae Liophis comrostris NRM 312401LÜBECK-ALEGRE BRAZIL
Colubridae Liophis flavifrenatus NRM 8371ANDERSSON-1888 BRAZIL
Colubridae Liophis melanotus NRM 312362LÜBECK-ANGUSTUR BRAZIL
Colubridae Liophis merremii NRM 312465LÜBECK-ALEGRE BRAZIL
Colubridae Liophis miliaris NRM 8852ANDERSSON-1888 BRAZIL
Colubridae Liophis miliaris NRM 22701DUS-1908DEC BRAZIL
Scincidae Mabuya nigropalmata NRM 232591ROMAN-CURUCA BRAZIL SYNTYPEImage
Colubridae Mastigodryas bifossatus NRM 312541LÜBECK-ALEGRE BRAZIL
Colubridae Mastigodryas bifossatus NRM 390411LINDMAN-1893 BRAZIL
Alligatoridae Melanosuchus niger NRM 389741MEL-1924OCT BRAZIL
Elapidae Micrurus altirostris NRM 16821ANDERSSON-1888 BRAZIL

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