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Coordinates available for 49 records of BRAZIL

Retrieved 221 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Hylidae Nyctimantis brunoi NRM 81061BOKER-1950NOV BRAZIL
Bufonidae Rhinella crucifer NRM 81331DUS-1910MAR17 BRAZIL
Hylidae Scinax ruber NRM 81431ROMAN-1914AUG02 BRAZIL
Hylidae Dendropsophus bipunctatus NRM 81491BOKER-1963FEB23 BRAZIL
Hylidae Dendropsophus leucophyllatus NRM 81561ROMAN-1914AUG28 BRAZIL
Colubridae Siphlophis longicaudata NRM 84011TOUZET-1862 BRAZIL HOLOTYPE
Hylidae Pseudis minuta NRM 85101MALME-1902FEB19 BRAZIL
Pipidae Pipa pipa NRM 85481LAKO-1928NOV/DEC BRAZIL
Colubridae Tropidodryas serra NRM 86061ANDERSSON-1888 BRAZIL
Colubridae Xenodon dorbignyi NRM 86171LÜBECK-ALEGRE BRAZIL
Amphisbaenidae Leposternon scutigerum NRM 86221FORSELL-1847 BRAZIL
Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mabouia NRM 86491CASTRO-1868 BRAZIL
Gekkonidae Hemidactylus mabouia NRM 86501VYL-1871OCT01 BRAZIL
Boidae Eunectes murinus NRM 87011CASTRO-1868 BRAZIL
Boidae Corallus caninus NRM 87041ORQ-1959JUL28 BRAZIL
Boidae Corallus hortulana NRM 88301TOUZET-1862 BRAZIL
Colubridae Elapomorphus quinquelineatus NRM 88971EUG-RIO BRAZIL
Viperidae Lachesis muta NRM 89051CASTRO-1868 BRAZIL
Colubridae Chironius fuscus NRM 89331CASTRO-1868 BRAZIL
Kinosternidae Kinosternon NRM 90431SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Kinosternidae Kinosternon NRM 90441SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Pelomedusidae Podocnemis dumeriliana NRM 90451SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Pelomedusidae Podocnemis dumeriliana NRM 90461SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Emydidae Geoemyda punctularia NRM 90471SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL
Emydidae Geoemyda punctularia NRM 90481SILVA CASTRO-68 BRAZIL

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