Image database
Displaying: Catalog Number 94
Retrieved 4 records
KVA-DROTTNINGHO | Field No: KVA-DROTTNINGHO Country: UNKNOWN COUNTRY Locality: No data; most probably from King ADOLF FREDRIK's collection; most probably examined by C. LINNAEUS Date: before 1765 Image Date: Copyright: CC-BY-NC Artist/Photographer: Silfvergrip, AMC |
KVA-DROTTNINGHO | Field No: KVA-DROTTNINGHO Country: UNKNOWN COUNTRY Locality: No data; most probably from King ADOLF FREDRIK's collection; most probably examined by C. LINNAEUS Date: before 1765 Image Date: Copyright: CC-BY-NC Artist/Photographer: Silfvergrip, AMC |
KVA-DROTTNINGHO | Field No: KVA-DROTTNINGHO Country: UNKNOWN COUNTRY Locality: No data; most probably from King ADOLF FREDRIK's collection; most probably examined by C. LINNAEUS Date: before 1765 Image Date: Copyright: CC-BY-NC Artist/Photographer: Silfvergrip, AMC |
KVA-DROTTNINGHO | Field No: KVA-DROTTNINGHO Country: UNKNOWN COUNTRY Locality: No data; most probably from King ADOLF FREDRIK's collection; most probably examined by C. LINNAEUS Date: before 1765 Image Date: Copyright: CC-BY-NC Artist/Photographer: Silfvergrip, AMC |
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