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Coordinates available for 302 records of Esox

Retrieved 353 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 377601ZOOTAX-96AUG28 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 377611ZOOTAX-96AUG28 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 377621ZOOTAX-96AUG26 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 377631ZOOTAX-96AUG26 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 377641ZOOTAX-96AUG24 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 379871BERG-1949APR10 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 401042NFG-97-04 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 4113930ZI-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 4114055ZI-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 4114165ZI-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 413811SÖLAB-98JUL16 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 414451SÖLAB-98JUL17 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 415071MVM-97-002 HUNGARY
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 415941ZT-1998SEP09-5 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 417961WICKST-1966APR SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 421852BOD-99-016 SWEDEN Field Image
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 422961BOD-99-001 SWEDEN Field Image
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 426912ZT-1998SEP08-4 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 426922ZT-1998SEP07-1 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 427801BJÖRKLUND-1929 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 430671FRANSKA SKOLAN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 432142SÖLAB-98SEP01 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 434351PLL-1999MAY23 SWEDEN
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 439172BOD-99-003 SWEDEN Field Image
Esocidae Esox lucius NRM 439222BOD-99-005 SWEDEN Field Image

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