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Coordinates available for 393 records of Pleuronectidae

Retrieved 528 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Pleuronectidae Hippoglossus hippoglossus NRM 206491CAH-1888MAY5 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Citharus linguatula NRM 199421LECHE-1883 ITALY
Pleuronectidae Microstomus kitt NRM 198783ARGOS-93-27 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Pleuronectes sp. NRM 198301CHH-1956JUL05 GREENLAND
Pleuronectidae Pleuronectes sp. NRM 198091CHH-1964JUL13 USA
Pleuronectidae Hippoglossus hippoglossus NRM 197351KRB-1993FEB02 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Rhombosolea tapirina NRM 192561WALLIN1924APR08 NEW ZEALAND
Pleuronectidae Platichthys flesus NRM 188821NFG-84-KROKHOLM SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Limanda limanda NRM 1835520PMK-Z18314 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Limanda limanda NRM 1835420PMK-Z18314 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Limanda limanda NRM 1831425PMK-Z18314 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Pleuronectes platessa NRM 173721KRB-1992JUN09 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Pleuronectes sp. NRM 165111WALDAU-040223 CAMEROON
Pleuronectidae Liopsetta glacialis NRM 1587711SAN-ARCHANGEL-X RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Pleuronectidae Limanda limanda NRM 158661OF-1992 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Pleuronectes platessa NRM 158651OF-1992 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Hippoglossoides platessoides NRM 158631OF-1992 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Hippoglossoides platessoides NRM 158621OF-1992 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Hippoglossus hippoglossus NRM 158201A80/3013 FAROE ISLANDS
Pleuronectidae Pleuronectes flesus NRM 154561NFG-84-EDESÖN SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Platichthys flesus NRM 151322NFG-88-010 SWEDEN
Pleuronectidae Rhombosolea plebeia NRM 102694MORTENSEN150129 NEW ZEALAND
Pleuronectidae Peltorhamphus novaezeelandiae NRM 102631MORTENSEN150129 NEW ZEALAND
Pleuronectidae Kareius bicoloratus NRM 101365JGA-1921JUN09 CHINA
Pleuronectidae Pseudopleuronectes yokohamae NRM 101351JGA-DEC1919 CHINA

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