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Coordinates available for 169 records of Myctophidae

Retrieved 192 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Myctophidae Scopelus sp. NRM 1930925MEI-93-33
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 193081MEI-92-12/13
Myctophidae Scopelus sp. NRM 193073MEI-93-32
Myctophidae Ceratoscopelus warmingii NRM 193061MEI-92-01/02
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 1930512MEI-92-10/11
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 193041HÖG-1890MAR26
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 193031MEI-1893DEC23
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 193024MEI-3021N4156W
Myctophidae Scopelus sp. NRM 193015MEI-92-36
Myctophidae Scopelus caninianus NRM 193003MEI-92-01/02
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 192984MEI-92-25/26
Myctophidae Scopelus sp. NRM 1929711MEI-94-46
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 1929617MEI-92-51/52
Myctophidae Lampanyctus crocodilus NRM 183261GG980-1992JUL08 NORWAY
Myctophidae Myctophum sp. NRM 174001MAL-340121
Myctophidae Myctophum braueri NRM 111051SYD-1902JUN27 HOLOTYPE
Myctophidae Myctophum affine NRM 111041SYD-1901DEC11 BRAZIL
Myctophidae Scopelus sp. NRM 969818MEI-1894AUG02
Myctophidae Scopelus sp. NRM 969720MEI-1893MAY15
Myctophidae Scopelus sp. NRM 96961MATTSSON-1865C
Myctophidae Myctophum spinosum NRM 96951MEI-92DEC23
Myctophidae Centrobranchus andreae NRM 96944MEI-1893MAR16
Myctophidae Lampanyctus crocodilus NRM 96931GIG-1884MAR15 ITALY
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 969215MEI-1893APR18
Myctophidae Gonichthys cocco NRM 96911MEI-1893OCT23

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