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3 July 2024

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Coordinates available for 386 records of Gadidae

Retrieved 504 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Gadidae Merlangius merlangus NRM 158601OF-1992 SWEDEN
Gadidae Trisopterus capelanus NRM 472442ODHNER-1913MAY CROATIA
Gadidae Merlangius merlangus NRM 472462ODHNER-1913MAY CROATIA
Gadidae Boreogadus saida NRM 574761ÖBERG1870JULSEP GREENLAND
Gadidae Gadus ogac NRM 575151ÖBERG1870JULSEP GREENLAND
Gadidae Gadus morhua NRM 575241ÖBERG1870JULSEP GREENLAND
Gadidae Boreogadus saida NRM 56812ÖBERG1870AUG GREENLAND
Gadidae Boreogadus saida NRM 645396ÖBERG1870AUG GREENLAND
Gadidae Gadus merlangus NRM 431961NYKÖPING-1998 SWEDEN
Gadidae Gadus morhua NRM 303264NYG-94-04 SWEDEN
Gadidae Merlangius merlangus NRM 303271NYG-94-04 SWEDEN
Gadidae Micromesistius poutassou NRM 208521NYBELIN-1924DEC SWEDEN
Gadidae Gadus morhua NRM 575104NORGE-LOFOTEN NORWAY
Gadidae Gadus morhua NRM 552728NOREN-2006-002 SWEDEN Image
Gadidae Trisopterus esmarkii NRM 552735NOREN-2006-002 SWEDEN Image
Gadidae Trisopterus minutus NRM 552741NOREN-2006-002 SWEDEN
Gadidae Merlangius merlangus NRM 552756NOREN-2006-002 SWEDEN Image
Gadidae Merlangius merlangus NRM 5527613NOREN-2006-002 SWEDEN Image
Gadidae Trisopterus esmarkii NRM 572182NOREN-2006-002 SWEDEN Image
Gadidae Gadus morhua NRM 315271NORDL-1973SEP02 SWEDEN
Gadidae Pollachius pollachius NRM 297832NODATA-UPPS UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Gadidae Gadiculus argenteus NRM 297854NODATA-UPPS UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Gadidae Gadus morhua NRM 207991NODATA-SWEDEN SWEDEN
Gadidae Pollachius virens NRM 208436NODATA-SWEDEN SWEDEN
Gadidae Gadus pollachius NRM 447441NODATA-SWEDEN SWEDEN

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