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3 July 2024

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Coordinates available for 4632 records of Characidae

Retrieved 5302 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Characidae Hemigrammus analis NRM 707254THO-VIT35 BRAZIL
Characidae Moenkhausia sp. NRM 149941THO-VIT34 BRAZIL
Characidae Hemigrammus ocellifer NRM 166302THO-VIT34 BRAZIL
Characidae Hyphessobrycon agulha NRM 165911THO-VIT34 BRAZIL
Characidae Serrasalmus sp. NRM 131362THO-VIT27 BRAZIL
Characidae Cheirodon sp. NRM 140791THO-VIT24 BRAZIL
Characidae Tyttocharax sp. NRM 491559THO-VIT24 BRAZIL
Characidae Serrasalmus sp. NRM 132002THO-VIT21 BRAZIL
Characidae Serrasalmus sp. NRM 132011THO-VIT21 BRAZIL
Characidae Triportheus angulatus NRM 165592THO-VIT20 BRAZIL
Characidae Paragoniates sp. NRM 165841THO-VIT19 BRAZIL
Characidae Serrasalmus sp. NRM 165423THO-VIT18 BRAZIL
Characidae Serrasalmus sp. NRM 165411THO-VIT17 BRAZIL
Characidae Chalceus sp. NRM 137181THO-VIT15 COLOMBIA
Characidae Triportheus rotundatus NRM 150741THO-VIT10 PERU
Characidae Metynnis sp. NRM 165332THO-VIT10 PERU
Characidae Phenacogaster pectinatus NRM 155022THO-VIT08 BRAZIL
Characidae Hemigrammus luelingi NRM 155034THO-VIT08 BRAZIL
Characidae Paracheirodon innesi NRM 1795628THO-VIT08 BRAZIL
Characidae Odontocharacidium aphanes NRM 186467THO-VIT08 BRAZIL
Characidae Odontocharacidium aphanes NRM 186475THO-VIT08 BRAZIL
Characidae Odontocharacidium aphanes NRM 374550THO-VIT08 BRAZIL
Characidae Tyttocharax madeirae NRM 374564THO-VIT08 BRAZIL
Characidae Bryconella pallidifrons NRM 706911THO-VIT08 BRAZIL
Characidae Hemigrammus bellottii NRM 7069210THO-VIT08 BRAZIL

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