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Coordinates available for 212 records of Carangidae

Retrieved 464 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Carangidae Atule mate NRM 50461SINGAPORE-1908 SINGAPORE
Carangidae Alepes djedaba NRM 50471SINGAPORE-1908 SINGAPORE
Carangidae Trachinotus bailonii NRM 50501GODEFFROY
Carangidae Gnathanodon NRM 50531GODEFFROY
Carangidae Alectis indicus NRM 39701VEG-SINGAPORE SINGAPORE
Carangidae Caranx melampygus NRM 39711EUG-EIMEO FRENCH POLYNESIA
Carangidae Carangoides malabaricus NRM 39781HAMBERG-1852 CHINA
Carangidae Carangoides malabaricus NRM 39791DEGENAR CHINA
Carangidae Selaroides leptolepis NRM 39821EUG-SINGAPORE SINGAPORE
Carangidae Selaroides leptolepis NRM 39831GODEFFROY-S.S. N/A
Carangidae Gnathanodon speciosus NRM 39901FRISTEDT-INDIA INDIA
Carangidae Caranx hippos NRM 39911EUG-MAURITIUS MAURITIUS
Carangidae Caranx atropos NRM 39921DEGENAR CHINA
Carangidae Carangoides armatus NRM 39931DEGENAR CHINA
Carangidae Alectis ciliaris NRM 39971GOE-1866-69 GUADELOUPE
Carangidae Alectis ciliaris NRM 39981USNM-77-NEWPORT USA
Carangidae Alectis indicus NRM 40011DEGENAR CHINA
Carangidae Trachurus picturatus NRM 40071HED-1827 TURKEY
Carangidae Caranx crysos NRM 40121WERNGREN-1853JA BRAZIL
Carangidae Caranx latus NRM 40151SUNDQ-1889APR HAITI
Carangidae Alectis indicus NRM 40161OSTINDIEN? UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Carangidae Caranx crysos NRM 40171EUG-Z.9. PANAMA
Carangidae Alectis alexandrina NRM 40181EUG-Z.9. PANAMA
Carangidae Carangoides oblongus NRM 40191NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Carangidae Caranx latus NRM 40201INDIEN INDIA

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