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5 July 2024

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Coordinates available for 212 records of Carangidae

Retrieved 464 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Carangidae Seriola dumerilii NRM 40583BORGI-1899JUN20 ITALY
Carangidae Seriola dumerilii NRM 40571RUSSO-1896NOV12 ITALY
Carangidae Seriola dumerilii NRM 40561NEAPEL-1895DEC ITALY
Carangidae Chloroscombrus chrysurus NRM 40551NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Carangidae Chloroscombrus chrysurus NRM 405231885-S.AM.
Carangidae Chloroscombrus chrysurus NRM 40502MCZ-85-RIO BRAZIL
Carangidae Selene setipinnis NRM 40491GOE-1869-B GUADELOUPE
Carangidae Selene setapinnis NRM 40472WESTIND/BRAZIL
Carangidae Selene setapinnis NRM 404611885-0407 BRAZIL
Carangidae Selene setapinnis NRM 40451NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Carangidae Selene setapinnis NRM 40414NÄGELI-RIO-1866 BRAZIL
Carangidae Selene setapinnis NRM 40383TROSCHEL-1841? BRAZIL
Carangidae Argyreiosus vomer NRM 40371EUG-Z.9. PANAMA
Carangidae Selene vomer NRM 40361EUG-TROPISKA AM BRAZIL
Carangidae Selene vomer NRM 40351BARTHELEMY-1869 GUADELOUPE
Carangidae Selene vomer NRM 403411885-0407 BRAZIL
Carangidae Selene vomer NRM 40322NÄGELI-1867 BRAZIL
Carangidae Selene vomer NRM 40302SILVA CASTRO BRAZIL
Carangidae Selene vomer NRM 40282MOLIN-1875 GUADELOUPE
Carangidae Selene vomer NRM 40262GOE-1869 MARTINIQUE
Carangidae Selene vomer NRM 40251VEGESACK GUADELOUPE
Carangidae Pseudocaranx dentex NRM 40241BOHLIN-AZORES PORTUGAL
Carangidae Carangoides armatus NRM 40231HAMBERG-1852 CHINA
Carangidae Caranx sp. NRM 40221INDIEN INDIA
Carangidae Caranx latus NRM 40211GODEFFROY-TONGA TONGA

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