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2 July 2024

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Coordinates available for 163 records of Myxinidae

Retrieved 223 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Myxinidae Myxine australis NRM 654631UNMDP-2010APR01E ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine australis NRM 654641UNMDP-2010APR01F ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine australis NRM 654651UNMDP-2011MAR17 ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine australis NRM 654461UNMDP-2011MAR18 ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine australis NRM 654471UNMDP-2011MAR18 ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine australis NRM 654481UNMDP-2011MAR18 ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine australis NRM 654491UNMDP-2011MAR18 ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine australis NRM 654501UNMDP-2011MAR18 ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine capensis NRM 287317VYL-1871NOV17 SOUTH AFRICA
Myxinidae Myxine fernholmi NRM 654531UNMDP-2010APR14 ARGENTINA
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 91462VEG-? UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 91471PARIS-1890JUN N/A
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 91481USNM-77-GRAND B CANADA
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 91497KVA-QUENSEL UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 93262KVA-1829 SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 93271NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 138104SOK-87-03 SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 158523KRB-1947(ZI) SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 182713BOF-840CT29 SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 1888733ZI-1973SEP-TJÄR SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 188937ZI-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 1901425KRB-1980 SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 193451KRB-1926AUG SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 193461BOCK-1925AUG01 SWEDEN

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