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Coordinates available for 184 records of SPAIN

Retrieved 242 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Carangidae Lichia amia NRM 547231ICCMROMSU3009_03 SPAIN
Triglidae Lepidotrigla cavillone NRM 546041ICCMCHU_26_06_03 SPAIN
Scophthalmidae Lepidorhombus boscii NRM 544921ICCM_LA_02_06_03 SPAIN
Scophthalmidae Lepidorhombus boscii NRM 546021ICCMESGO26_06_03 SPAIN
Gempylidae Lepidopus caudatus NRM 546031ICCMNASE24_06_03 SPAIN
Gobiesocidae Lepadogaster lepadogaster NRM 411762ODHNER-30APR14 SPAIN
Labridae Labrus merula NRM 699131PALMA-1871 SPAIN
Labridae Labrus bergylta NRM 546011ICCMUNK_11_09_04 SPAIN
Scombridae Katsuwonus pelamis NRM 546001ICCMCAPI01_10_03 SPAIN
Priacanthidae Heteropriacanthus cruentatus NRM 545991ICCMUNK_01_04_04 SPAIN
Scorpaenidae Helicolenus dactylopterus NRM 545981ICCMPLGA20_06_03 SPAIN
Batrachoididae Halobatrachus didactylus NRM 45431GIG-1883SEP15 SPAIN
Batrachoididae Halobatrachus didactylus NRM 547211ICCMUNK0903_04_C SPAIN
Gobiidae Gobius sp. NRM 295341ECKMAN-1890 SPAIN
Gobiidae Gobius NRM 438273OÅ-99-01 SPAIN
Gobiidae Gobius NRM 438281OÅ-99-02 SPAIN
Gobiidae NRM 654282OLSSON-740216 SPAIN
Argentinidae Glossanodon leioglossus NRM 545961ICCMTOCA23_06_03 SPAIN
Poeciliidae Gambusia sp. NRM 501605ZT-1999-P85D SPAIN
Poeciliidae Gambusia sp. NRM 501611ZT-1999-P85A SPAIN
Poeciliidae Gambusia sp. NRM 501627ZT-1999-P85B SPAIN
Poeciliidae Gambusia sp. NRM 5016311ZT-1999-P85C SPAIN
Poeciliidae Gambusia sp. NRM 501642ZT-1999-P125A SPAIN
Poeciliidae Gambusia sp. NRM 501651ZT-1999-P85E SPAIN
Poeciliidae Gambusia holbrooki NRM 29203116WBG-1956OCT09 SPAIN

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