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8 July 2024

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Coordinates available for 213 records of KENYA

Retrieved 271 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Cyprinidae Labeo victorianus NRM 3560212BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cyprinidae Labeo sp. NRM 356031BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Mormyridae Petrocephalus catostoma NRM 3560410BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cichlidae Oreochromis niloticus NRM 356061BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cichlidae Pseudocrenilabrus victoriae NRM 356073BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Mastacembelidae Mastacembelus victoriae NRM 356081BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cyprinidae Barbus sp. NRM 356091BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cyprinidae Barbus sp. NRM 356101BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cyprinidae Barbus sp. NRM 356112BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cyprinidae Barbus sp. NRM 356123BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cyprinidae Barbus sp. NRM 3561311BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cyprinidae Barbus sp. NRM 356141BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Cyprinidae Labeo victorianus NRM 356161BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Poeciliidae Aplocheilichthys sp. NRM 356195BORR-1996AUG KENYA
Clariidae Clarias alluaudi NRM 357541BORR-1996JUL14 KENYA
Cichlidae Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor NRM 358562BORR-1996JUL01G KENYA
Cichlidae Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor NRM 358571BORR-1996JUL01V KENYA
Poeciliidae Aplocheilichthys sp. NRM 358581BORR-1996JUN27G KENYA
Cichlidae Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor NRM 358592BORR-1996JUL10A KENYA
Cyprinidae Barbus sp. NRM 358602BORR-1996JUL10N KENYA
Clariidae Clarias alluaudi NRM 358611BORR-1996JUL10N KENYA
Cichlidae Oreochromis sp. NRM 358621BORR-1996JUL10N KENYA
Mormyridae Marcusenius victoriae NRM 358631BORR-1996JUL11G KENYA
Poeciliidae Aplocheilichthys sp. NRM 358641BORR-1996JUL11G KENYA
Cichlidae Pseudocrenilabrus multicolor NRM 358651BORR-1996JUL14 KENYA

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