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Coordinates available for 184 records of SPAIN

Retrieved 242 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Scombridae Euthynnus alletteratus NRM 545921ICCM_DI_01_10_03 SPAIN
Lotidae Gaidropsarus mediterraneus NRM 545951ICCMUNK_23_03_05 SPAIN
Argentinidae Glossanodon leioglossus NRM 545961ICCMTOCA23_06_03 SPAIN
Scorpaenidae Helicolenus dactylopterus NRM 545981ICCMPLGA20_06_03 SPAIN
Priacanthidae Heteropriacanthus cruentatus NRM 545991ICCMUNK_01_04_04 SPAIN
Scombridae Katsuwonus pelamis NRM 546001ICCMCAPI01_10_03 SPAIN
Labridae Labrus bergylta NRM 546011ICCMUNK_11_09_04 SPAIN
Scophthalmidae Lepidorhombus boscii NRM 546021ICCMESGO26_06_03 SPAIN
Gempylidae Lepidopus caudatus NRM 546031ICCMNASE24_06_03 SPAIN
Triglidae Lepidotrigla cavillone NRM 546041ICCMCHU_26_06_03 SPAIN
Sparidae Lithognathus mormyrus NRM 546051ICCMUNK2606_03GC SPAIN
Mugilidae Liza aurata NRM 546061ICCMPAQMA2506_03 SPAIN
Lophiidae Lophius budegassa NRM 546081ICCMBAI_26_06_03 SPAIN
Lophiidae Lophius piscatorius NRM 546091ICCM_MO_03_10_03 SPAIN
Merlucciidae Merluccius merluccius NRM 546111ICCMUNK1901_04_A SPAIN
Merlucciidae Merluccius merluccius NRM 546121ICCMMAFRE2406_03 SPAIN
Gadidae Micromesistius poutassou NRM 546141ICCMBAI_24_06_03 SPAIN
Soleidae Microchirus azevia NRM 546151ICCMUNK_15_02_03 SPAIN
Soleidae Microchirus variegatus NRM 546161ICCMUNK_22_03_05 SPAIN
Soleidae Microchirus variegatus NRM 546171ICCMCHI_27_06_03 SPAIN
Lotidae Molva dypterygia NRM 546181ICCMCM1510_03_JG SPAIN
Mullidae Mullus barbatus NRM 546201ICCMNUAL23_06_03 SPAIN
Mullidae Mullus surmuletus NRM 546211ICCMSAJO20_06_03 SPAIN
Muraenidae Muraena helena NRM 546221ICCMMAYDO_031003 SPAIN
Sparidae Oblada melanurus NRM 546261ICCMBAR23_06_03T SPAIN

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