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Coordinates available for 58 records of PORTUGAL

Retrieved 169 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Pomacentridae Chromis sp. NRM 645322BOHLIN-DELGADA PORTUGAL
Pomatomidae Pomatomus saltatrix NRM 645533BOHLIN-DELGADA PORTUGAL
Rajidae Raja clavata NRM 37851BOHLIN-AZORES PORTUGAL
Rajidae Raja NRM 502711EIÅ-2004-01 PORTUGAL
Scaridae Sparisoma cretense NRM 54232EUG-MADEIRA PORTUGAL
Scaridae Sparisoma cretense NRM 189321BOF-93-02 PORTUGAL
Scaridae Sparisoma cretense NRM 539041MAD2_02/09/03Sc PORTUGAL
Scombridae Scomber japonicus NRM 198531BOF-93-01 PORTUGAL
Scombridae Scomber japonicus NRM 539161MAD_24/06/2003 PORTUGAL
Scombridae Thunnus obesus NRM 539191MAD2_29/08/03TO PORTUGAL
Scombridae Katsuwonus pelamis NRM 539201MAD2_20/08/03Kp PORTUGAL
Scombridae Thunnus thynnus NRM 539211MAD1_23/08/04TT PORTUGAL
Scombridae Thunnus alalunga NRM 538181MAD1_06/09/04Ta PORTUGAL
Scombridae Scomber colias NRM 645508BOHLIN-DELGADA PORTUGAL
Scorpaenidae Scorpaena scrofa NRM 22521ZANDER-1882 PORTUGAL
Scorpaenidae Scorpaena sp. NRM 256901TÖRNGREN-720416 PORTUGAL
Scorpaenidae Pontinus kuhlii NRM 256911TÖRNGREN-720416 PORTUGAL
Scorpaenidae Scorpaena maderensis NRM 468963MCM-1992OCT15 PORTUGAL
Scorpaenidae Pontinus kuhlii NRM 470061BOF-01-02 PORTUGAL
Scorpaenidae Scorpaena scrofa NRM 539111MAD2_27/08/03Ss PORTUGAL
Scorpaenidae Helicolenus dactylopterus NRM 539141MAD2_27/08/03Hd PORTUGAL
Serranidae Serranus atricauda NRM 198541BOF-93-01 PORTUGAL
Serranidae Serranus atricauda NRM 199861ZI-STARBÄCK PORTUGAL
Serranidae Anthias sacer NRM 454661ZI-STARBÄCK PORTUGAL
Serranidae Serranus atricauda NRM 468394BOHLIN-DELGADA PORTUGAL

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