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Coordinates available for 241 records of GREENLAND

Retrieved 317 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Pleuronectidae Reinhardtius hippoglossoides NRM 303141BOF-94-02 GREENLAND
Anarhichadidae Anarhichas lupus NRM 303161BOF-94-02 GREENLAND
Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus aculeatus NRM 468811AMON-1862JUN27 GREENLAND
Stichaeidae Lumpenus NRM 482261AMON-1862-36 GREENLAND
Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus aculeatus NRM 482581GRÖ-1871-DISKOFJ GREENLAND
Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus aculeatus NRM 479381GRÖ-1931JUL08B GREENLAND
Gadidae Microgadus tomcod NRM 486111GRÖ-1870SEP29 GREENLAND
Cottidae Myoxocephalus groenlandicus NRM 504471SOFIA-502 GREENLAND
Psychrolutidae Cottunculus microps NRM 511051SOFIA-580 GREENLAND
Cottidae Artediellus atlanticus NRM 520611MAGNUSSON-05 GREENLAND
Oneirodidae Chaenophryne draco NRM 524021KAASSA-1992 GREENLAND Image
Cottidae Gymnocanthus tricuspis NRM 544561GRÖ-1870JUL22 GREENLAND
Cottidae Artediellus uncinatus NRM 553131GRÖ-1863JUL GREENLAND
Cottidae Artediellus sp. NRM 553281GRÖ-1894AUG03 GREENLAND
Cottidae Artediellus atlanticus NRM 553071GRÖ-1894AUG03 GREENLAND
Cottidae Triglops pingelii NRM 555461MGG-2007FEB GREENLAND
Salmonidae Salvelinus alpinus NRM 570691GREYERTZ-2007JUN GREENLAND Image
Pleuronectidae Reinhardtius hippoglossoides NRM 572841AMON-GODHAVN GREENLAND
Gadidae Boreogadus saida NRM 574761ÖBERG1870JULSEP GREENLAND
Gadidae Gadus ogac NRM 575141GRÖ-1931AUG28 GREENLAND
Gadidae Gadus ogac NRM 575151ÖBERG1870JULSEP GREENLAND
Gadidae Gadus ogac NRM 575161GRÖ-1931SEP07 GREENLAND
Gadidae Gadus morhua NRM 575241ÖBERG1870JULSEP GREENLAND
Stichaeidae Stichaeus punctatus NRM 597001SOFIA-533 GREENLAND
Gasterosteidae Gasterosteus aculeatus NRM 600561FRR-2008-001 GREENLAND

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