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1 July 2024

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Kullander, SO et al.

Coordinates available for 8518 records of Kullander, SO et al.

Retrieved 8943 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Characidae Aphyocharax rathbuni NRM 305991BRA-89-022 BRAZIL Image
Characidae Moenkhausia dichroura NRM 306001BRA-89-022 BRAZIL
Characidae Aphyocharax nattereri NRM 306012BRA-89-022 BRAZIL
Characidae Serrapinnus sp. NRM 3060580BRA-89-022 BRAZIL
Crenuchidae Characidium sp. NRM 169342BRA-89-020 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Satanoperca pappaterra NRM 173552BRA-89-020 BRAZIL Image
Cichlidae Aequidens plagiozonatus NRM 1801852BRA-89-020 BRAZIL Image
Cichlidae Crenicichla lepidota NRM 261422BRA-89-020 BRAZIL Image
Characidae Moenkhausia dichroura NRM 305983BRA-89-020 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Satanoperca pappaterra NRM 173531BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Apistogramma inconspicua NRM 178008BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Laetacara dorsigera NRM 181669BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Cichlasoma boliviense NRM 200401BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Apistogramma trifasciata NRM 2613111BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Crenicichla lepidota NRM 261334BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Mesonauta festivus NRM 2613831BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Characidae Serrasalmus sp. NRM 304601BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Characidae Hemigrammus micropterus NRM 305971BRA-89-019 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Crenicara latruncularium NRM 365984BRA-89-019 BRAZIL PARATYPE
Cichlidae Cichla pleiozona NRM 229992BRA-89-018A BRAZIL
Pimelodidae Pimelodella sp. NRM 1601663BRA-89-018 BRAZIL
Pimelodidae Imparfinis stictonotus NRM 161167BRA-89-018 BRAZIL
Characidae Creagrutus beni NRM 168611BRA-89-018 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Cichlasoma boliviense NRM 200411BRA-89-018 BRAZIL
Cichlidae Crenicichla lepidota NRM 261271BRA-89-018 BRAZIL Image

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