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1 July 2024

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Eugenie Expedition

Coordinates available for 76 records of Eugenie Expedition

Retrieved 375 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Mullidae Mulloidichthys sp. NRM 15141EUG-HONOLULU USA
Mullidae Parupeneus chrysopleuron NRM 15443EUG-HONOLULU USA
Carangidae Trachinotus rhodopus NRM 41111EUG-HONOLULU USA
Carangidae Trachinotus bailonii NRM 41141EUG-HONOLULU USA
Zanclidae Zanclus cornutus NRM 41322EUG-HONOLULU USA
Pomacentridae Dascyllus albisella NRM 51551EUG-HONOLULU USA
Labridae Anampses cuvier NRM 52911EUG-HONOLULU USA
Labridae Platyglossus sp. NRM 53381EUG-HONOLULU USA
Labridae Coris sp. NRM 56121EUG-HONOLULU USA
Exocoetidae Exocoetus sp. NRM 74123EUG-HONOLULU USA
Exocoetidae Cypselurus oligolepis NRM 699041EUG-HONOLULU USA
Haemulidae Orthopristis cantharinus NRM 708491EUG-HONOLULU USA
Lutjanidae Lutjanus fulviflamma NRM 7371EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Lutjanidae Lutjanus sp. NRM 7781EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Ambassidae Ambassis dussumieri NRM 8331EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Apogonidae Ostorhinchus fasciatus NRM 8844EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Teraponidae Terapon jarbua NRM 11164EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Haemulidae Diagramma pictum NRM 13001EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Nemipteridae Nemipterus japonicus NRM 13097EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Mullidae Upeneus tragula NRM 14351EUG-HONGKONG CHINA Image
Mullidae Parupeneus indicus NRM 15202EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Sparidae Pagrus auratus NRM 17391EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Sparidae Argyrops spinifer NRM 17431EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Sparidae Acanthopagrus schlegelii NRM 18354EUG-HONGKONG CHINA
Sparidae Pagrus major NRM 18561EUG-HONGKONG CHINA

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