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2 July 2024

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Malaise, R

Coordinates available for 367 records of Malaise, R

Retrieved 551 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Cyprinidae Carassius carassius NRM 371991MAL-1968JUN SWEDEN
Cyprinidae Mystacoleucus argenteus NRM 374924MAL-341103 MYANMAR
Megalopidae Megalops cyprinoides NRM 392262MAL-341021 MYANMAR
Siluridae Ompok bimaculatus NRM 392463MAL-340214B INDIA
Siluridae Wallago attu NRM 392532MAL-340214B INDIA
Siluridae Ompok bimaculatus NRM 392553MAL-341021 MYANMAR
Siluridae Ompok pabda NRM 392561MAL-34WASHAUNG MYANMAR
Bagridae Hemibagrus peguensis NRM 393971MAL-34PEGU MYANMAR
Ariidae Cochlefelis sp. NRM 394751MAL-341111 MYANMAR
Ariidae Osteogeneiosus militaris NRM 394812MAL-341130 MYANMAR
Ariidae Arius sp. NRM 394825MAL-341130 MYANMAR
Ariidae Arius falcarius NRM 394833MAL-340204 SRI LANKA
Cyprinidae Labeo nandina NRM 400491MAL-341130 MYANMAR
Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus cynoglossus NRM 411241MAL-341110 MYANMAR
Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus cynoglossus NRM 411277MAL-341111 MYANMAR
Cynoglossidae Cynoglossus cynoglossus NRM 411288MAL-341129 MYANMAR
Adrianichthyidae Oryzias minutillus NRM 411861MAL-340225 MYANMAR
Nandidae Nandus sp. NRM 412944MAL-34KAWKAREIK MYANMAR
Clupeidae Clupea harengus NRM 415521MAL-1968AUG SWEDEN
Cyprinidae Bangana devdevi NRM 425331MAL-34PEGU MYANMAR
Cyprinidae Poropuntius shanensis NRM 4264410MAL-34YUNNAN CHINA
Clupeidae Gudusia variegata NRM 430781MAL-341130 MYANMAR
Clupeidae Gonialosa whiteheadi NRM 4307912MAL-34KAWKAREIK MYANMAR
Clupeidae Chatoessus nasus NRM 430811MAL-340208 INDIA
Clupeidae Tenualosa ilisha NRM 4308215MAL-341129 MYANMAR

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