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2 July 2024

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Bovallius, C

Coordinates available for 205 records of Bovallius, C

Retrieved 286 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Gobiidae Gobius NRM 447701BOV-1882MAR08 PANAMA
Gobiidae Gobius auratus NRM 256961BOV-1891-39 ITALY
Gobiidae Gobius geniporus NRM 321301BOV-1891-47 ITALY
Gobiidae Gobius niger NRM 528321BOV-1891MAR06 ITALY
Ammodytidae Gymnammodytes cicerelus NRM 575043BOV-1891-44 ITALY
Haemulidae Haemulon steindachneri NRM 12671BOV-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Syngnathidae Hippocampus guttulatus NRM 86622BOV-1891-47 ITALY
Exocoetidae Hirundichthys affinis NRM 710161BOV-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Antennariidae Histrio sp. NRM 234481BOV/BAL-100
Macrouridae Hymenocephalus italicus NRM 444385BOV-1891-25 ITALY
Photichthyidae Ichthyococcus ovatus NRM 71111BOV-1891-25 ITALY
Labridae Labrus sp. NRM 360363BOV-1882-135 NICARAGUA
Myctophidae Lampanyctus crocodilus NRM 71791BOV-1891-51 ITALY
Gobiesocidae Lepadogaster candolii NRM 98682BOV-1891-10 ITALY
Gobiesocidae Lepadogaster lepadogaster NRM 98664BOV-1891-04 ITALY
Gobiesocidae Lepadogaster lepadogaster NRM 98672BOV-1891-25 ITALY
Gempylidae Lepidopus caudatus NRM 193801BOV-1891-33 ITALY
Congridae Leptocephalus NRM 82525BOV-1891-MIX ITALY
Congridae Leptocephalus NRM 82531BOV-1891-23 ITALY
Congridae Leptocephalus NRM 82541BOV-1891-59 ITALY
Congridae Leptocephalus NRM 83101BOV-1891-49 ITALY
Paralepididae Lestidiops sphyrenoides NRM 97001BOV-1891-10 ITALY
Paralepididae Lestidiops sphyrenoides NRM 97011BOV-1891-11 ITALY
Paralepididae Lestidiops sphyrenoides NRM 642962BOV-1891-25 ITALY
Paralepididae Lestidiops sphyrenoides NRM 642981BOV-1891-47 ITALY

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