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8 July 2024

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Bock, S

Coordinates available for 240 records of Bock, S

Retrieved 344 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Zoarcidae Lycenchelys sarsii NRM 206471BOCK-1938AUG02B SWEDEN
Zoarcidae Lycodes NRM 411641BOCK-1937AUG02B NORWAY
Zoarcidae Lycodes gracilis NRM 206401BOCK-1938AUG02B SWEDEN
Zoarcidae Lycodes gracilis NRM 219861BOCK-1944JUL03 SWEDEN
Zoarcidae Lycodes gracilis NRM 287172BOCK-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Zoarcidae Lycodes gracilis NRM 552711BOCK-1938JUL26 SWEDEN
Zoarcidae Lycodes vahlii NRM 219872BOCK-1932AUG22 SWEDEN
Acropomatidae Malakichthys sp. NRM 288461BOCK-1914MAY14B JAPAN
Scorpaenidae Minous monodactylus NRM 288961BOCK-1914JUL09 JAPAN
Monacanthidae Monacanthus sp. NRM 289431BOCK-1914-OKINO JAPAN
Muraenidae Muraena sp. NRM 272651BOCK-1912MAY AUSTRALIA
Muraenidae Muraena sp. NRM 272661BOCK-1912MAY AUSTRALIA
Muraenidae Muraena sp. NRM 287811BOCK-1917MAY AUSTRALIA
Cottidae Myoxocephalus scorpius NRM 219772BOCK-1941AUG09 SWEDEN
Ophichthidae Myrichthys maculosus NRM 292001BOCK-1914AUG06 JAPAN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 193461BOCK-1925AUG01 SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 287182BOCK-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 299393BOCK-1925AUG01 SWEDEN
Myxinidae Myxine glutinosa NRM 411341BOCK-1935APR22 SWEDEN
Narcinidae Narke japonica NRM 289118BOCK-1914-MISAK JAPAN
Nemichthyidae Nemichthys curvirostris NRM 289051BOCK-1914-OKINO JAPAN
Embiotocidae Neoditrema ransonneti NRM 289172BOCK-1914MAY-KU JAPAN
Embiotocidae Neoditrema ransonneti NRM 289214BOCK-1914MAY12 JAPAN
Myctophidae Notoscopelus sp. NRM 642081BOCK-1914MAY-NAG JAPAN
Blenniidae Omobranchus elegans NRM 292121BOCK-1914APR25B JAPAN

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