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10 June 2024

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Coordinates available for 58 records of Anolis

Retrieved 279 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Dactyloidae Anolis stratulus NRM 4467ZI-PR1883 PUERTO RICO
Dactyloidae Anolis pulchellus NRM 87608ZI-PR1883 PUERTO RICO
Dactyloidae Anolis cristatellus NRM 8111WERNGREN-1852 VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
Dactyloidae Anolis pulchellus NRM 37981WERNER-PR PUERTO RICO
Dactyloidae Anolis leachii NRM 26741WAHREN-1846AUG UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Dactyloidae Anolis leachii NRM 88333VEGESACK SAINT BARTHÉLEMY
Dactyloidae Anolis leachii NRM 9871STTHOMAS-1881DEC VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
Dactyloidae Anolis pulchellus NRM 10341STTHOMAS-1881106 VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
Dactyloidae Anolis leachii NRM 8882STACKELBERG-19 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Dactyloidae Anolis stratulus NRM 8832RÜSE-VIEQUES PUERTO RICO
Dactyloidae Anolis pulchellus NRM 10312RÜSE-ST.THOMAS VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
Dactyloidae Anolis stratulus NRM 87812RÜSE-ST.THOMAS VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
Dactyloidae Anolis dominicensis NRM 10041RÜSE-ST.DOMINGO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Dactyloidae Anolis cybotes NRM 87352RÜSE-ST.DOMINGO DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
Dactyloidae Anolis acutus NRM 87792RÜSE-ST.CROIX VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
Dactyloidae Anolis auratus NRM 89991ROSENBERG PANAMA
Dactyloidae Anolis cuvieri NRM 8011RIISE-VIEQUES PUERTO RICO
Dactyloidae Anolis cristatellus NRM 8101RIISE-ST THOMAS VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
Dactyloidae Anolis princeps NRM 53331RBB-1950JUN ECUADOR
Dactyloidae Anolis ortonii NRM 87801RBB-1937 ECUADOR
Dactyloidae Anolis roquet NRM 10004NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Dactyloidae Anolis carolinensis NRM 10222NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Dactyloidae Anolis nebuloides NRM 10371NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Dactyloidae Anolis carolinensis NRM 13501NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Dactyloidae Anolis nebuloides NRM 25792NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY

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