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Coordinates available for 18 records of Boidae

Retrieved 175 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Boidae Corallus enydris NRM 311311KLI-SURINAM SURINAME
Boidae Epicrates cenchria NRM 311391KLI-SURINAM SURINAME
Boidae Python reticulatus NRM 311711MM-NODATA N/A
Boidae Python reticulatus NRM 311741MM-NODATA N/A
Boidae Python curtis NRM 311841MM-NODATA N/A
Boidae Ungalia melanura NRM 312051ZI-BLEEKER UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Eunectes notaeus NRM 312771Z31277 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Candoia carinata NRM 3128147SKA-94MAR16 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Candoia carinata NRM 312821SKA-94MAR16 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Python sebae NRM 314521CUSTOMS-94DEC-B UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Python sebae NRM 314591CUSTOMS-94DEC-E UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Python sebae NRM 314601CUSTOMS-94DEC-E UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Python molurus NRM 388911ORQ-1970-PAKIST PAKISTAN
Boidae Python NRM 388971MM-NODATA N/A
Boidae Candoia carinata NRM 389082NORSTRÖM-92-A N/A
Boidae Python molurus NRM 390481TMJ-3200-253-91 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Python reticulatus NRM 390491TMJ-3200-253-91 UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Python sebae NRM 391901CUSTOMS-90-NODA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Python reticulatus NRM 391911CUSTOMS-90-NODA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Python reticulatus NRM 391921FAG-MALACKKA MALAYSIA
Boidae Python molurus NRM 391931ZI-NODATA UNKNOWN COUNTRY
Boidae Eunectes murinus NRM 400301GELIN-2005 N/A
Boidae Boa constrictor NRM 400361HUBENDICK VENEZUELA
Boidae Python sebae NRM 400401SAV-2012-001

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