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13 January 2025

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Gyldenstolpe, N

Coordinates available for 35 records of Gyldenstolpe, N

Retrieved 96 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Dicroglossidae Hoplobatrachus tigerinus NRM 15924GYL-1912SIAM THAILAND
Microhylidae Microhyla pulchra NRM 15961GYL-1912SIAM THAILAND
Ranidae Elachyglossa gyldenstolpei NRM 16561GYL-1914MAY07A THAILAND HOLOTYPE
Ranidae Rana tigrina NRM 16591GYL-1914BANGKOK THAILAND
Rhacophoridae Polypedates nigropalmatus NRM 16621GYL-191403-END THAILAND
Microhylidae Microhyla ornata NRM 16631GYL-1914AUG07 THAILAND
Bufonidae Sclerophrys regularis NRM 17722GYL-1921JUN16 CONGO
Bufonidae Sclerophrys regularis NRM 17772GYL-1921FEB RWANDA
Phrynobatrachidae Phrynobatrachus natalensis NRM 17812GYL-19210201 UGANDA
Hyperoliidae Leptopelis rufus NRM 17821GYL-19210201 UGANDA
Phrynobatrachidae Phrynobatrachus krefftii NRM 178331GYL-19210201 UGANDA
Ptychadenidae Ptychadena mascareniensis NRM 17861GYL-1921JUN14 CONGO
Hyperoliidae Leptopelis rufus NRM 17871GYL-1921JUN14 CONGO
Pyxicephalidae Amietia nutti NRM 17882GYL-19210201 UGANDA
Pyxicephalidae Amietia nutti NRM 17891GYL-192102 UGANDA
Bufonidae Sclerophrys regularis NRM 18852GYL-19210121 UGANDA
Bufonidae Sclerophrys funerea NRM 18872GYL-1921JUN14 CONGO
Colubridae Ptyas korros NRM 23851GYL-1912JAN THAILAND
Colubridae Oligodon cyclurus NRM 23861GYL-1911DEC-BAN THAILAND
Colubridae Oligodon mouhoti NRM 23872GYL-1911DEC-BAN THAILAND
Elapidae Naja naja NRM 23931GYL-1911DEC-BAN THAILAND
Viperidae Lachesis gramineus NRM 24501GYL-191409 THAILAND
Viperidae Trimeresurus albolabris NRM 24511GYL-19140727 THAILAND
Elapidae Calliophis maculiceps NRM 24651GYL-1914MAY-DOI THAILAND
Colubridae Dryocalamus davisonii NRM 24691GYL-1914/15 THAILAND

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