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24 January 2025

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Bergman, S et al.

Coordinates available for 120 records of Bergman, S et al.

Retrieved 120 records in database

Family Species Cat No N Field No Country Type Status Object ImageHabitat Image
Viperidae Vipera berus sachalinensis NRM 314501SBM-1935JUN06 KOREA
Viperidae Vipera berus sachalinensis NRM 314491SBM-1935MAY28 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Vipera berus sachalinensis NRM 314481SBM-350820 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Vipera sachalinensis NRM 314471SBM-350605 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius saxatilis NRM 70791SBM-1935MAY28 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius sp. NRM 70191SBM-350618 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 70182SBM-360602 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 70131SBM-350820 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 70081SBM-350528 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius saxatilis NRM 69881SBM-351112 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69601SBM-350516 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius sp. NRM 69572SBM-360602 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius sp. NRM 69521SBM-36RIUGANPO KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius sp. NRM 69513SBM-360602 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69391SBM-360603 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69327SBM-360603 KOREA, NORTH
Viperidae Gloydius blomhoffii NRM 69041SBM-1935MAY28 KOREA, NORTH
Trionychidae Pelodiscus sp. NRM 70562SBM-360627B KOREA, NORTH
Ranidae Rana nigromaculata NRM 1004550SBM-360531 KOREA, NORTH
Ranidae Rana chensinensis NRM 100424SBM-CHIRISAN KOREA, SOUTH
Ranidae Rana chensinensis NRM 100392SBM-350617 KOREA, NORTH
Ranidae Rana nigromaculata NRM 100381SBM-350617 KOREA, NORTH
Ranidae Rana nigromaculata NRM 100371SBM-350715 KOREA, NORTH
Ranidae Rana nigromaculata NRM 100361SBM-360427 KOREA, NORTH
Ranidae Rana chensinensis NRM 100321SBM-350715 KOREA, NORTH

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