Result of collection database search
2 December 2024
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Order: Squamata
Family: Teiidae
Species: Ameiva sp.
Cat No: NRM 7694. N=1
Determiner: Andersson, LG 1899 Length: Preparation: Liquid
Continent/Ocean: Unknown Country: UNKNOWN COUNTRY State/Province:
District: Municipality:
River Drainage: Lake Basin: Ocean:
Locality: No data. From the private collection of A Sparrman (1748-1820). 97 glass with animals in alcohol were bought at the auktion after his death.
Field Number: KVA-SPARM Leg: Unknown Date: to 1820
Object remarks:
Locality remarks: Some object may originate from the de Geer collection (an exchange may have taken place in 1776). The de Geer collection was studied by Linnaeus on several occasions. It also included the collection of Albert Schlosser (obtained by de Geer in 1770) known to contain Pallas types etc. The jars was probably marked by Dalman with a printed insect label (sic.) wich were glued on the jars. Also Dalman added a handwritten label with a rough identification, but these lots dosen't seems to have been included in his catalogue 1824 /EIÅ, 2013.
Family: Teiidae
Species: Ameiva sp.
Cat No: NRM 7694. N=1
Determiner: Andersson, LG 1899 Length: Preparation: Liquid
Continent/Ocean: Unknown Country: UNKNOWN COUNTRY State/Province:
District: Municipality:
River Drainage: Lake Basin: Ocean:
Locality: No data. From the private collection of A Sparrman (1748-1820). 97 glass with animals in alcohol were bought at the auktion after his death.
Field Number: KVA-SPARM Leg: Unknown Date: to 1820
Object remarks:
Locality remarks: Some object may originate from the de Geer collection (an exchange may have taken place in 1776). The de Geer collection was studied by Linnaeus on several occasions. It also included the collection of Albert Schlosser (obtained by de Geer in 1770) known to contain Pallas types etc. The jars was probably marked by Dalman with a printed insect label
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