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Coordinates available for 2 records of AEN-1876-L-JENI
Retrieved 2 of 2 (1000 records requested)
Order: Acipenseriformes
Family: Acipenseridae
Species: Acipenser ruthenus sterlett
Cat No: NRM 8942. N=2
Determiner: Delling, B 1996
Preparation: Liquid
Continent/Ocean: Asia
Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION State/Province: Krasnoyarskiy Kray
District: Municipality:
River Drainage: Lake Basin:
Locality: Yenisey River from Krasnojarsk downstream to mouth
Field Number: AEN-1876-L-JENI
Leg: Theel, H et al
Date: 1876
Object remarks:
Locality remarks: [Nordenskiöld's] Expedition Summer 1876 overland to Krasnojarsk and downstream to Yenisey River mouth. Participants: H. Théel, M. Brenner, W. Arnell, and F. Trybom. Accession year assumed.
Order: Salmoniformes
Family: Salmonidae
Species: Coregonus sardinella arktisk siklöja
Cat No: NRM 64848. N=3
Determiner: Smitt, FA 1887
Preparation: Liquid
Continent/Ocean: Asia
Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION State/Province: Krasnoyarskiy Kray
District: Municipality:
River Drainage: Lake Basin:
Locality: Yenisey River from Krasnojarsk downstream to mouth
Field Number: AEN-1876-L-JENI
Leg: Theel, H et al
Date: 1876
Object remarks: Metal tags missing (erroded), labe on jar 7= sikl.5, 8=4, 9=3. Length measurements identify them as 7-9, not 3-5
Locality remarks: [Nordenskiöld's] Expedition Summer 1876 overland to Krasnojarsk and downstream to Yenisey River mouth. Participants: H. Théel, M. Brenner, W. Arnell, and F. Trybom. Accession year assumed.
Family: Acipenseridae
Species: Acipenser ruthenus sterlett
Cat No: NRM 8942. N=2
Determiner: Delling, B 1996
Preparation: Liquid
Continent/Ocean: Asia
Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION State/Province: Krasnoyarskiy Kray
District: Municipality:
River Drainage: Lake Basin:
Locality: Yenisey River from Krasnojarsk downstream to mouth
Field Number: AEN-1876-L-JENI
Leg: Theel, H et al
Date: 1876
Object remarks:
Locality remarks: [Nordenskiöld's] Expedition Summer 1876 overland to Krasnojarsk and downstream to Yenisey River mouth. Participants: H. Théel, M. Brenner, W. Arnell, and F. Trybom. Accession year assumed.
Order: Salmoniformes
Family: Salmonidae
Species: Coregonus sardinella arktisk siklöja
Cat No: NRM 64848. N=3
Determiner: Smitt, FA 1887
Preparation: Liquid
Continent/Ocean: Asia
Country: RUSSIAN FEDERATION State/Province: Krasnoyarskiy Kray
District: Municipality:
River Drainage: Lake Basin:
Locality: Yenisey River from Krasnojarsk downstream to mouth
Field Number: AEN-1876-L-JENI
Leg: Theel, H et al
Date: 1876
Object remarks: Metal tags missing (erroded), labe on jar 7= sikl.5, 8=4, 9=3. Length measurements identify them as 7-9, not 3-5
Locality remarks: [Nordenskiöld's] Expedition Summer 1876 overland to Krasnojarsk and downstream to Yenisey River mouth. Participants: H. Théel, M. Brenner, W. Arnell, and F. Trybom. Accession year assumed.
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